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What are my payout options?
Current payout options include FedEx 2nd day, Postal Mail, and ACH (U.S. only). FedEx payouts will incur a charge of $20 domestically, $30 internationally, or are included at no charge for payments over $1000. Postal Mail payouts are sent at no charge. ACH payments will incur a processing fee of $2. When will I receive payment?
Payouts are processed on Wednesday at 4:00 am eastern time. ACH, Postal mail, or FedEx payouts will be sent on Wednesday during business hours. ePassporte payments are sent on Friday.
What is your payout buffer?
We send payment 10 days after the closing of any week-long period. It is imperative that we minimize risk by providing ourselves 10 days to analyze signups. Refunds and chargebacks will be billed against your account accordingly.
How many chargebacks can I have?
Chargebacks have a monumentally negative effect on all webmasters participating in our program. In the interest of risk management and growth we have a near zero tolerance policy on chargebacks. Quality traffic brings quality customers; however even the best supply of users can allow a few bad seeds to fall through the cracks. Chargeback control is managed on a case by case basis. Please be aware that if excessive chargebacks (in excess of 0.80%) occur linked to your account we will have no choice but to close your account.
Can I spam to promote COD sites?
We openly support CAN-SPAM compliant opt-in email promotion, however, we are required by our bandwidth providers to honor any and all complaints related to CAN-SPAM Act abuse (albeit perceived or legitimate). If you or your company cannot promote without complaint from end-users we will be forced to suspend your account. Please operate carefully and at your own risk. Frankly speaking; until the FTC can acknowledge the multi-million dollar USPS lobby which allows hundreds of millions of mailboxes worldwide to be stuffed with useless paper advertisements representing thousands of tons of wasted natural resources per year we have zero motivation to blindly enact a blanket ban on email promotion. That being said; we cherrish our upstream providers so much so that we are forced to side with their rules no matter how much they may differ from our own internal beliefs.